PRE-ORDER your copy of the Badass Women Portraits book!

The design is done, the proof copy is on its way, and it’s time to announce your chance to pre-order the Badass Women Portraits BOOK! Yes, I always have big book plans from my art projects, and they always take so much longer to complete than I anticipate. But this one is DONE and ready to be printed.

This book is a great way to hold the entire exhibit in your hand, and savor it for years to come.

My goal is to sell 100 books by May 31, 2017….will you help me do it?

The book is really an exhibition catalog of all thirty-one pieces created in thirty-one days (including ones not shown at the Bamboo installation) created for the Badass Women Portraits project, plus bonus materials, like pages from my sketchbook, and scenes from the Bold Audacious Daring Women Painting workshop and opening reception at Bamboo.

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I hope you will think of a woman or girl in your life who would be inspired by seeing the names and faces, plus a bit about these thirty-one Badass Women. Imagine the conversations you can start by looking at these portraits, contemplating these women’s lives, their contributions to the world we live in today, and the work we can each do, starting where we are now.

Plus, I’d like to think that my own story of being a “late-blooming creative”, pursuing the creative life in mid-life, will be a beacon of light to those who are wondering what’s possible for themselves.

This book is a great way to ask the question, “What makes a badass woman badass?“.

You can preview the entire book here, and place your pre-order (at a special price through May 31, 2017) here.

And even if you’re just inspired by looking, please share the links above and spread the word!

Thank you for your grins and giggles!

The price goes up on June 1st, so order yours now!

NBC Bay Area picks up Badass Women Challenge story!

In the whirlwind week before the Bold Audacious Daring Women Painting workshop, I got front page coverage in my local newspaper, Half Moon Bay Review, followed by video coverage by NBC Bay Area!

Here is the link to the local piece, and a look at the coverage in the print edition:


And here is the link to the video and story created by NBC Bay Area:

Photo by Rebecca Greenway, NBC Bay Area.

The exhibition is on display at Bamboo hair + body in Half Moon Bay, through May 13, 2017. For more on the Badass Women Portraits project, visit this project link.

Painting workshop at New Leaf Classroom in Half Moon Bay!

In partnership with New Leaf, as a gift to the community, artist and facilitator Lisa Chu will present an afternoon of empowerment through art and story, based on her ongoing solo exhibition, Badass Women Portraits, at Bamboo hair + body. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to connect with the inspirational qualities of B.A.D.A.S.S. (Bold, Audacious, Daring, Authentic, Strong, Sassy) Women from throughout history and around the world. You will choose a B.A.D.A.S.S. Woman who inspires you, and bring her photo, as well as one inspirational quote from her. From this launching point, the creative process takes over. Using paint, collage, and mixed media, we will enter our own Bold, Audacious, and Daring space to create an image that reflects a B.A.D.A.S.S. expression of ourselves and tribute to an inspiring woman.

Please note: this is not a “how to paint” class, and there will be very little to no technique discussed in this class. However, each participant will leave with a greater awareness of their own creativity, and an experience of making art based on the inspiration of the B.A.D.A.S.S. woman chosen.

What to bring: a photo of a B.A.D.A.S.S. woman of your choice from throughout history and around the world, a quote (optional) spoken or written by your B.A.D.A.S.S. woman, any special non-toxic art supplies or papers you would like to use (optional), a smock or clothes you don’t mind getting paint on

What’s provided: snacks courtesy of New Leaf, acrylic paint, brushes, disposable palettes, ready-to-hang surface for your art making, collage materials, assorted mixed media

When: Sunday, April 2, 2017, 2pm to 5pm

Where: New Leaf Community Classroom (next door to New Leaf Market)

146-A San Mateo Rd, Half Moon Bay, CA

$25 per person, pre-registration required – includes materials and snacks